I’m listening to the sunrise

The sun reaches over the horizon (Mid summer in Bulgaria 2008)
The sun reaches over the horizon (Mid summer in Bulgaria 2008)
Good morning!

A new day begins with the sunrise.
How would I describe the feeling of sunrise?

One approach could be like this:
I can listen to Bach’s “Air on the G string” several times, just to catch the wonderful feeling inside at the moments, when the music turns upwards.
Listen to Swingle singers on youtube and feel for yourself. The sun rises several times. One example is around 3 minutes and 36 seconds into the video. But no cheating. For the right feeling, you need to listen from start. 🙂 Continue reading I’m listening to the sunrise

What is an easy life?

Dog on Vitosha mountain, Bulgaria
Dog on Vitosha mountain, Bulgaria
What does an easy life look like?

Is it a life, which is always funny?

Is a life without choices, and therefore without responsibility, even if it ain’t always too sweet?

It is a life, which makes the world at least a little bit better, even if you sometimes have no clue, what to do next!

April – so much love around

Flowers and bees, Catalonia April 3, 2011
Flowers and bees, Catalonia April 3, 2011
It seems as if this April is special.

All around, I see so much people in love with each other.
This one-to-one love is so strong that my friends, just start (or continue) to love the whole world.

No need to limit your love.
There is love for everyone.