Is your question still missing?
No problem. Just ask in the comment field below, or email me at info(“commercial-at-sign”)
How do I upload my own user picture?
This site, along with many, many others, use a system called gravatar, an abbreviation for Globally Recognized Avatar. There you may create your own account and upload one or several userpics, which you want to be shown next to your comments on this and other connected sites. The address to the English pages of gravatar is
Why is this page not available in English?
A large chunk of the older content on this site I brought over from my blog “tobioman”, which was written solely in Russian.
“Depending on my current mood” I sometimes translate things I write into English.
If you feel that you’ve located a gem on this site, which really deserves to become available in English, write a comment on that page, or email me (please include a link to the page you’re talking about, that will make my life a bit easier). If find the time for it, I may actually translate what you’re asking for 🙂
PS! On the page About this Site I’ve hinted how you may get automated help from Google Translate to decipher what I’ve written in other languages.
Jag kommer inte in på min hemsida för jag har nytt lösenord. Har du något tips hur man gör?
Den här sidan är tänkt för hjälp för besökare att hantera denna webbplats. Om du har problem på någon annan webbplats får du väl vända dig dit…
Om det råkar vara så att du har en egen WordPress-webbplats kan du prova att skriva ett inlägg i men även där kommer du att behöva ge lite mer information för att någon ska kunna hjälpa dig.