We’re convinced that you will be very satisfied with “Life”.
Please observe, however, that “Life 1.0” still is undergoing
so called “beta testing”.
For you, as a user, this most of all means that
things sometimes don’t go as planned.
In rare cases, things may totally “f-k up”.
If that should happen, try to find some other way of
reaching the desired outcome.
The developers specifically declared a strategy
to allow a large number of alternative paths to
do basically the same things.
(See, for instance, the discussion of similarities
and differences between the major religions in
chapter 2.)
Obviously, you’re always welcome to contact
our support center (ref chapter 5 “Prayer”)
which is operational 24/7.
However, have in mind that the line is often
overloaded. You may have to call several
times, and we may not always answer
As a complement to contacting support, we
suggest that you actively participate in one
or several of the user forums (family, friends,
colleagues, compatriots, churches etc.)
Some of our most happy users report that
they have been very active in the forums,
where they’ve been able to both give and
receive valuable help.
Please note that we distribute updates
almost every day. Sometimes, there may
be several updates the same day.
You should have in mind that you use
“Life 1.0” on your own risk.
Even if we’ve tried to address as many
feature requests as possible, we can’t
guarantee, that the product will fully
meet all of your expectations.
For those of you, who plan to read the whole
manual, please note that it is not updated
as often as “Life” itself.
We have also noticed that many users
publish their own manuals, which sometimes
may even give contradictary advice.
May we therefore suggest that you always
check for yourself if advice you find sounds
Enough of reading.
You should spend some time living, too. 🙂
You don’t need to click anywhere.
By choosing to continue living, you automatically
express your acceptance of these terms and
PS! The development department is currently
working on the next version “Life 2.0”.
As a preparation for the future upgrade, we
suggest that you already now, as much as
possible, live in peace and love to each other
and yourself.
Ты Гений